Citations may be issued when a driver or vehicle violates university traffic regulations. Those receiving a citation may choose to pay through one of the methods outlined below, or to appeal the notice.
- Paying citations
- Appealing a citation
- Donations for citations
- Citation rates
- Excessive citations and barnacles
- Other
Paying Citations
There are up to three ways an individual may pay for a received citation:
- Online: Citations are registered in your parking account and may be payed online via credit card.
- Mail or In-Person: Citations may be paid via a mailed check (payable to “University of Missouri”) or completing payment (check or credit card) in person at:
- MU Parking and Transportation
121 General Services Building
900 E. Stadium Blvd.
Columbia, MO 65211
- MU Parking and Transportation
- Donation: Available for certain types of citation, donations made to Tiger Pantry through Parking and Transportation can be credited toward your citation fee. See “Donations for citation” section for more information.
Vehicles may be towed on first violation. Failure to pay or appeal a citation notice may result in the loss of university privileges, such as course registration and access to diplomas or transcripts. Fees may also be withheld from salaries of university faculty and staff or billed to student accounts.
Appealing a Citation
Individuals receiving a citation have five business days from the citation issue date to file an appeal. For citations issued electronically, the email notifying of a citation includes a link and instructions for initiating the appeals process. For paper citations, day one is the citation issue date and appeals should be directed to with the citation number, including any letters, in the subject line (e.g., “Appeal for traffic citation P1234567”).
Appeals can take up to six business days to process. Successful appeals will result in the citation overturned and no fees owed. Unsuccessful appeals will incur a $5 fee that will be added to the citation fee.
Donations for Citation
Faculty, staff, students and visitors who receive a “no permission” or “expired meter” citation may make a donation to Tiger Pantry through the Parking and Transportation office as credit toward their citation fee. This program offers an alternative way to pay while also assisting members of the university community without a stable food supply.
Faculty, staff, students and visitors are eligible to participate and may utilize donations for no more than three citations each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30), up to a $40 maximum. Citations must be for either “no permission” or “expired meter.” No other citation types are eligible. Citations under appeal or where an appeal has been denied are not eligible to participate.
Donations do not apply to excessive violation fees, but may be used toward the eligible citation. For example, a citation fee of $40 plus an additional $30 excessive violation fee results in a $70 total fee. Donations may be applied to the citation fee ($40), leaving the $30 excessive violation fee to be paid via another method.
Donation Requirements
A donation of 10 full-sized, non-perishable items can be applied to each qualifying ticket. Non-perishable items include:
- Canned chicken or tuna
- Dry pasta or boxed mac and cheese
- Pasta sauce
- Rice
- Canned beans
- Boxed meals
- Hygiene products (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, tampons, pads)
- Laundry detergent
Submitting Donations
Within five days of the citation issue date, drop off approved items to the Parking and Transportation office. Parking and Transportation staff will help you complete the process to dismiss the appropriate citation.
Citation Rates
The fee associated with a citation varies depending on the type of traffic violation.
Number | Description | Fee |
1 | Parking at yellow curb | $40 |
3 | Parking in a pedestrian crosswalk | $50 |
4 | Parking over or beyond a curb | $40 |
5 | Parking in a space/area not clearly designated for parking | $40 |
6 | Parking in a loading | $40 |
7 | Parking in permit-required area with no permit displayed | $40 |
8 | Parking where permit does not apply | $40 |
9 | Parking in driveway or entrance/exit from university grounds | $50 |
10 | Parking in visitor space or space reserved for special purposes | $40 |
11 | Parking so vehicle occupies more than one space | $40 |
12 | Over time for metered parking | $20 |
13 | Altering/obscuring/transferring parking permit | $150 |
14 | Parking in accessible space without appropriate permit displayed | $300 |
15 | Parking in fire lane | $100 |
16 | Improper driving | $25 |
17 | Driving in excess of 10mph of posted speed limit (or 20mph where not posted) | $30 |
18 | Driving in excess of 20mph of posted speed limit (or 20mph where not posted) | $50 |
19 | Driving in excess of 30mph of posted speed limit (or 20mph where not posted) | $100 |
20 | Driving opposite direction in one-way drive | $25 |
21 | Obstructing vehicular traffic | $25 |
22 | Failing to obey posted traffic regulation signs | $15 |
23 | Failing to yield to pedestrian in crosswalk | $50 |
24 | Scooter impound | $100 |
Excessive Citations and Barnacles
After three paid or unpaid citations, an excessive citation fee of $25 will be assessed on top of the fee for any subsequent citations.
After multiple citations, a barnacle — a pane of plastic that covers a vehicle’s windshield — may be placed on the vehicle. See the Barnacles webpage for additional information.
Other Types of Citation
Other types of citation, such as for moving violations, may be issued by MU Police officers. Drivers can pay for moving violations issued on university tickets through their parking account. Direct questions regarding citations to MU Police at 573-882-7201.
Please be aware that university police are authorized to issue University of Missouri tickets, City of Columbia tickets, and the State of Missouri tickets. Is the duty of the recipient to determine which entity issued the ticket and resolve it.